I love Storyline. Features galore. Interactivity. Easy to learn.
But the workflow? That has been a work in progress.
Image from Pixabay
When I first started working in Storyline, I used the free templates available in the Articulate community and on other consulting sites. I found that I was spending a lot of time customizing the templates. I set up variables only to find that they all needed to be edited again after creating new pages or layers. My method was not efficient.
My current approach is to create courses from scratch. I recreate any great templates I come across. Not only has this dramatically furthered my Storyline skills, it has prompted me to start thinking about efficiency again.
Now that I have some experience under my belt, I map the course out on paper first. Once I open Storyline my workflow looks something like this:
create pages
insert page elements
create states on pages as needed
set variables on pages for course navigation
create layers and variables
Does the workflow depend on the elements in the course? Definitely. Some courses will have more complex layouts than others. Projects may be more interactive than others.
Still, there has to be a solution out there to make Storyline workflow more efficient. The Content Marketing Institute suggests that workflow be repeatable. So far I have yet to find a repeatable workflow in the blogosphere.
Any experienced Storyline users have advice to share?